Yes, the kids are away at camp and I am coloring!
Apparently, so is everyone else.
When the kids were little, we used to color all the time. We would color the same page together or each take a side of the book and dedicate it to the other. It was very sweet. Those times were special: we bonded, relaxed and chatted. It has been a while since we have colored together but every time I see coloring books in the basement, I secretly want to color.
Well, now it is officially okay for me to color! In the past few months, many articles have been written about the success of adult coloring books, which are more intricate and detailed than children’s coloring books. Not only do these books take us back to our childhood, they are also easy to carry and keep around.
Coloring is part of the health and wellness trend, relieving stress and getting our mind off of everyday worries. Everybody’s doing it. Someone I spoke to recently told me that ‘coloring right now would make me so happy’. Another friend said her parents have the dining room covered with puzzles on one end and coloring books on the other. Continue reading